In other words, we just told Maglev to generate a section named navbar_01 which will have a logo and a list of navbar items.
Make sure you added the navbars category in your theme.yml file.
Tweak the section definition
Open the app/theme/sections/navbar_01.yml file with your code editor.
Since we want all the pages created by the content editors from the editor UI to share the same content, we've to uncomment the line about the site_scoped attribute.
# Name of the section displayed in the editor UIname:"Navbar 01"...site_scoped:true....blocks_label:"Navbar items"...
Next, we want the link for navbar item to have a text that will be modified by the content editor. We could also have appended a text setting to the navbar_item block type but there is a simpler way: using the with_text option of the link setting type.
# Name of the section displayed in the editor UIname:"Navbar 01"...blocks:- name:"Navbar item"type:navbar_itemsettings: - label:"Link"id:linktype:linkwith_text:truedefault:"#"...
Then, in order to test our section with non fake content, we will provide some sample content. It's easily done with uncommenting and modifying the last part of the YML file.
# Name of the section displayed in the editor UIname:"Navbar 01"...sample:settings:logo:"/theme/image-placeholder.jpg"blocks: - type:navbar_itemsettings:link:text:"Home"link_type:"url"href:"#" - type:navbar_itemsettings:link:text:"About us"link_type:"url"href:"#" - type:navbar_itemsettings:link:text:"Our products"link_type:"url"href:"#"
Write the template
We'll rely on Tailwindcss to style our navbar but we can use any Html/CSS library.
<%= maglev_section.wrapper_tag.div class: 'py-6 md:py-12 px-4 md:px-6' do %>
<div class="container mx-auto">
<div class="flex items-center">
<div class="relative w-32">
<%= maglev_section.setting_tag :logo %>
<nav class="ml-auto">
<ul class="flex items-center">
<% section.blocks.each do |maglev_block| %>
<%= class: 'ml-8' do %>
<%= maglev_block.setting_tag :link, class: 'hover:underline' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
TODO: how to highlight an active menu item
Go to the Create a new section documentation page to know how to test and use your section in the editor UI.
Multi-levels menu
There are a few minor differences between the Simple menu we built in the previous chapter and this one.
In the section definition, we only have to update the block_presentation attribute.
# Name of the section displayed in the editor UIname:"Navbar 01"...site_scoped:true...blocks_presentation:"tree"...
Next, in the section template, we need to display the children of a navbar items.
<%= maglev_section.wrapper_tag.div class: 'py-6 md:py-12 px-4 md:px-6' do %>
<div class="container mx-auto">
<div class="flex items-center">
<div class="relative w-32">
<%= maglev_section.setting_tag :logo %>
<nav class="ml-auto">
<ul class="flex items-center">
<% section.blocks.each do |maglev_block| %>
<%= class: 'ml-8 relative' do %>
<%= maglev_block.setting_tag :link, class: 'hover:underline' %>
<% if maglev_block.children? %>
<div class="absolute px-2 py-2">
<% maglev_block.children.each do |nested_maglev_block| %>
<%= class: 'my-2' do %>
<%= nested_maglev_block.setting_tag :link, class: 'hover:underline' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Here is the content we can use to test our section:
# Name of the section displayed in the editor UIname:"Navbar 01"...sample:settings:logo:"/theme/image-placeholder.jpg"blocks: - type:navbar_itemsettings:link:text:"Home"link_type:"url"href:"#" - type:navbar_itemsettings:link:text:"About us"link_type:"url"href:"#"children: - type:navbar_itemsettings:link:text:"The company"link_type:"url"href:"#" - type:navbar_itemsettings:link:text:"Our team"link_type:"url"href:"#"
The difference between this menu sample and the previous one is the adding of a new key (children) in the block attributes.