
A Maglev site is referenced by a theme and a theme includes sections.

You can't create a site without a theme.

The MIT version of Maglev comes with a single theme and it's not possible to add another theme. To enable the multi-sites / multi-themes functionalities, you need the licensed version.

Please contact us for more details.

During the Maglev installation, a couple of files were added by our generators.

Rails app root
└── app   
    ├── ...
    ├── controllers
    ├── ...
    └── theme 
        ├── sections
        └── theme.yml
    └── views
        ├── ...
        └── theme
            ├── sections
            └── layout.html.erb

Definition file

The theme.yml file describes the definition (name, description, ...etc) of the theme.

Quick example:

id: "theme"

name: "Default theme"

description: "The default Maglev theme"

- name: Heroes
  id: heroes
- name: Calls to action
  id: cta
- name: Carousels
  id: carousels

- title: "Home page"
  path:  "/index"


The layout.html.erb is being rendered by the Maglev CMS functionality.

The minimal requirement is to have the following ERB code inside this file:

<main data-maglev-dropzone>
  <%= raw render_maglev_sections site: @site, theme: @theme, page: @page, page_sections: @page_sections %>

This code is in charge of rendering the list of sections of a page.

Last updated