
Maglev is a page builder like Elementor or Divi but that you can plug in any Ruby on Rails application.

It's composed of 2 major features:

  • a top notch visual editor UI

  • a CMS rendering engine

Maglev comes in 2 flavors:

  • an open source version for a single site. Great if you want to add a site to your existing Rails application

  • a licensed version if you want to use it to build your own multi-sites / multi themes platform and compete with Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, ...etc.

Differences with the other CMSes





Maglev MIT

Maglev PRO

Source code available

Live editing

Ruby on Rails *


Multi-sites & Multi themes

Template agnostic (ERB, Liquid, VueJS, ...etc)

Embed our own data model

\* We plan to realase Maglev for other web frameworks in different technologies : Laravel (PHP), ExpressJS (NodeJS) or Phoenix (Elixir).

Last updated